Youth in Canada plays a significant role in making sure that the country goes deep into science and technology. There are many projects which are carried out in Canada to get the youth the exposure they want. The management of the youth science projects is done with extreme care and perfection. It is done to make sure that the best talent is brought forward. The science can be regarded as a lifeline of any country and the Canada knows this fact. The country is regarded as the best place to get a degree in knowledge and to attend international science fairs. There are many fairs which are highly regarded throughout the world. In all such fairs and conferences, the Canadian youth present the talent in the best manner.
Canada – Wide Science Fair
Also known as CWSF it is a gathering of all tech-based companies of Canada. This fair is attended by thousands of young science geeks from all over the world. More than 200 science-based companies set up their stalls and it makes it very easy for the visitors to find the right item they are looking for. It is actually a competition as well which makes sure that the company with the best presentation is declared as a winner. The directory of this fair is published online a year in advance. The science is brought out of the classroom into the business world. The investors also pay a visit to this fair which means that it is a good crowd funding opportunity as well.
Youth Science Canada
It is a conference that allows the users to overcome the issues that present obstacles in the way of critical thinking. The ways and means that are applied by this conference are such that it clears the science-based subjects for the youth. For the past 5 decades, this fair has made sure that the Canadian youth get the science exposure that they deserve. Many renowned Canadian scientists visit this fair cum conference. They provide the youth with useful tips that help to boost their career. The best part of this conference is that it depends upon the fact that the youth is the lifeline of science development of any country. The inventions of such science players should benefit the general Canadian life. The way of living of a common Canadian should be made easy by such inventions.
4 – H Canada Science Fair
The fair is all about experimenting and it is open for young scientists only. The way and the presentation techniques of the youth are fostered and therefore it means a lot to the students of grade 7 – 12. Science and computer programming gets the best and the most advanced skill set to the youth as the organizers of this fair believe. Such arrangements are made that such programming fields remain at the top of the other attractions of the fair. The students are required to get registered and read the guidebook. The students should also have hands-on experience of MS Office as all presentations are acceptable in PowerPoint format only.